Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 26

** Sorry for the delay! **

How far along are you? 

26 weeks 

How big is the baby? 

Zebi-Debi is about the size of a head of lettuce. It is about 13.6 - 14.8 inches from head to heel and weighs around 1.5 - 2.2 pounds.

How I’m feeling: 

I still have a lingering cough but I feel well otherwise. Our trip to Berlin was a wonderful balance of action and relaxation. We returned to London feeling refreshed, especially because we fly to the States next week for a long holiday!

Healthy eating? 

Yes and no. I had some healthy, well balanced meals but also indulged in a fair number of German sweets. My travel companions also had their fair share of apple strudel so it wasn’t just me!

Food cravings: 

I had french toast with apple sauce three days in a row. I liked it because it wasn’t sugary but still sweet. I’ll definitely make it at home. 

Food aversions:

None, really.


I taught five yoga classes and went to Zumba on Monday and Yoga for Pregnancy on Tuesday. 

We walked several miles a day while we were in Berlin. My feet, ankles, and legs were sore at the end of each day but in a good way!

Total weight gain/loss: 

+ 20.5 pounds


The pillows at the hotel in Berlin were oversized, feather-filled squares. They weren't very comfortable so I ended up sleeping on a small, firm decorative pillow. I didn't rest too soundly while we were there but when I got home to my own bed I slept so well!

Maternity clothes?

Yes. I have some over-the-bump leggings I wore for the first time this week and I love them. 

Stretch marks?


Best moment(s) this week: 

The baby’s room is FINALLY done! 

Before (We loved the sailboats but the wallpaper was in a bad way.) 

After (Ta da! Now we need some furniture…)

Berlin was amazing. 

We flew in on Wednesday night and went straight to bed. On Thursday we met our friends Smithy and Lauren at the hotel. We had lunch and then walked to Museum Island and popped into one of them to see some antiquities. Then we carried on to the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag building. We paused for tea and cake. Then went on the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe. Then Lauren and I went to see an print exhibit and then stopped for a drink afterwards while Dave and Smithy hit another museum full of the old stuff they love so much. We regrouped and went to Gipsy Restaurant for dinner and live music. Then we made one last stop at another restaurant for drinks and dessert. 

Friday we had breakfast and then Smithy and Dave went to Pergamon Museum to see all things ancient. Lauren and I went for something more modern. We popped into an art gallery and then went to the Boros Bunker. The bunker was built during World War II and has recently been turned into a modern art gallery for a private collection. The space and the artwork were absolutely fantastic. Visiting this unique site was my favourite activity of the trip.  Afterwards, we grabbed lunch and met the boys at the train station. Then we traveled to Wannsee outside of Berlin. It is a forested area with a couple of lakes. We went to the Liebermann-Villa and had cake on the back patio before looking at the art inside. We took a bus and train back to Berlin, had a short rest and went to dinner at Katz Orange.

In the garden of Liebermann-Villa

Saturday we ate breakfast, went to a flea market, had lunch, and said goodbye to Smithy and Lauren. Then we went to the Berlin Wall Memorial, the Jewish Museum, and the Topography of Terror (the Gestapo headquarters that now houses an exhibition). We stopped at Princess Cheesecake for a sweet treat and then rounded out the day with dinner at a traditional German restaurant. White asparagus is in season and they (along with many other restaurants in town) had a whole seasonal menu based around it. I had cream of asparagus soup to start and kaesespaetzle for my main. There was no room for dessert!

A weird and wonderful window display

Sunday we woke up, had breakfast (french toast with apple sauce again!) and flew home.


Zebi-Debi is still regularly on the move. I wish I could peek inside and see where (s)he is positioned. Sometimes I carry the baby really comfortably and my bump seems a manageable size. Other times it feels really low, pressing directly onto bladder, and my bump is huge. 

Belly button in or out? 

Still wide. 


Acid reflux. 

Lots of tears. Something funny happened and I started laughing really hard. Then, it devolved into sobs. I wasn’t the least bit sad but the tears were uncontrollable. It was so weird! 

Then, at a flea market in Berlin I found a box of old personal photographs. I usually love this kind of find but this time I got really sentimental. There were pictures from the 1950s - 1960s of friends and family enjoying quality time together, a baby in a pram, and a couple on their wedding day. I am sure these photos were precious objects to the person who took them or those pictured, especially because they were taken at a time when one would only photograph what was really important. It made me so sad to see treasured memories lumped in a disorganized box for strangers to rummage through. I wanted to save them all and preserve them somehow. It reminded me that while my life experiences feel unique, they are often universal. Life goes so quickly and you really do have to make the most of your time on planet Earth. 

If you pregnant and already in an emotionally delicate state I suggest you visit the historical sites of Berlin at a different time. On the ground floor of the Jewish Museum were displays of personal effects along with the story of the owners' fate. Most did not end well. After a few cases I welled up. The architecture of this building is a masterpiece, leaving you feeling off kilter and insecure. There is one room in particular, called the Holocaust Tower, that is particularly striking. You enter, a heavy door slams behind you, the 79 foot tall walls are made of grey cement, there is a ladder that is too high to reach and a sliver of light at the top. I didn't last 30 seconds before I had to pull out the tissues. It was very moving. 

I tell you, these hormones are no joke! 

Linea nigra has appeared in the last couple of weeks.


I spoke with Claire and Arlo over Skype. Arlo consistently says Baby Eagle is a girl.

Labor signs: 

No, thankfully.

What I miss: 

Walking short distances without having to stop for a loo break!

What I'm looking forward to:

This week is crazy busy. I can't wait to be done and fly to the States next week!

Weekly wisdom: 

Tell pregnant women they look amazing, radiant, glowing, and healthy. And if they don't, lie! (See Dave's take below…)


At my prenatal appointment this week the doctor measured my bump and felt for the baby's position for the first time. The measurement was right on track and she thought the baby's head was down. I also got to hear Zebi-Debi's heartbeat via doppler. 

Dave’s take: 

Often when we paused at traffic lights or stopped to admire a building in Berlin, Dave would pat my belly and say “baby”. Now that my bump is more prominent he is more aware that I’m pregnant. 

One of Dave's colleagues is expecting his first child on August 2, three days before I'm due. This week he asked Dave if my bump was getting big. Apparently Dave replied that yes, I had reached the "inflation stage". It's a good thing I have high self esteem and a sense of humour! Everyone seems to have a strong opinion on my size and shape these days!


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