Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Week 27

How far along are you? 

27 weeks. Hello, third trimester! 

How big is the baby? 

Zebi-Debi is the size of a rutabaga. It is about 13.6 - 14.8 inches from head to heel and weighs 1.5 - 2.2 pounds. 

How I’m feeling: 

In the lead up to our travel overseas things have been very busy. I definitely can't wait to chill out and catch up with the people I love!

Healthy eating? 

I eat pretty well during the day but still want a little something sweet after dinner.

I have my glucose screening and tolerance testing tomorrow. Fingers crossed the results are okay! 

Food cravings: 

Fresh fruit, particularly melons. 

Food aversions:

Dave cooked a lamb stew with carrots, onion, rosemary, and tomato puree. That is not my favourite meat but it was fairly tasty. We left the bowls in the sink overnight and the next morning the smell really grossed me out. Yuck!


I taught five yoga classes and attended Zumba on Saturday and Yoga for Birth on Tuesday. 

Total weight gain/loss: 

I forgot to weigh myself and just had a massive pasta dinner as my last meal before I start my fast, so this will have to wait for another day!


I sleep pretty well from 11:30pm to 4:30 or 5am. Then I am wide awake. I try to get more rest but if that fails I get up. 

Maternity clothes?

Still half and half. I look forward to packing for our trip!

Stretch marks?

Not yet.

Best moment(s) this week: 

We had another long weekend thanks for a bank holiday on Monday. I always love the chance to have an extra day to hang out with Dave. We slept in and then he made us breakfast sandwiches (a BLT with avocado and egg). In the afternoon I met Ria in the city for tea and dessert at Yautacha. I had a lime and passion fruit iced tea and a chocolate and blood orange gateaux. Tasty! We had a lovely chat and shared lots of laughs.

I am at the point where it feels really wonderful to be pregnant. I love my round, taut belly and the little one inside it. Life is good.


Yep! The baby seems to wake up right after I do. Wouldn't it be amazing if that happened after it was born?! 

I love the kicks, punches, and rolls. It's very reassuring. I wouldn't trade them for the world! 

Belly button in or out? 

Growing wider every day!


Acid reflux.

Round ligament pain. My midsection is stretching and I can feel it.

I am slowing down a bit more each day.


To be determined… 

Labor signs: 

No, thankfully. 

What I miss: 

Lying down without feeling acid rising back up my throat. Gross, I know. Sorry!

What I'm looking forward to:


Weekly wisdom: 

Thank goodness for YouTube videos and online reviews. They're so helpful, especially when I start to feel overwhelmed about how to plan and prepare for Zebi-Debi's arrival. 


We went shopping for a pram this weekend at John Lewis (thanks for the tip, Pauline). It was entertaining to wander around with all the other preggos with their partners as we all tried to figure out how these new fangled contraptions work. We experimented with how to lock the brakes, fasten the safety belt, adjust the handle height, change out the different components, and fold the base up. We also took them for test drives around the display area. Then walked up to Mothercare and tried a couple more. After almost three hours we finally called it quits. It really helped us to test drive everything in person. We've narrowed down our options and will start watching eBay to see if we can get a good deal on a used model. 

Dave's take: 

Dave found his dream pram. To see it in action click here.

He came home from work one day to report that his coworkers with kids said that all newborns do is sleep. So, I showed him this.


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