Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 16

How far along are you? 

16 weeks. 

How big is the baby? 

The baby is the size of an avocado. It is 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 oz. 

How I’m feeling:  

Honestly, I was a bit tired and grumpy this week. I felt easily annoyed and have a feeling it's those pesky hormones. 

Dave bought some award winning gruyere cheese online as a treat and was really excited about it. The day it arrived he sliced a big piece for each of us to sample after dinner. It was a sweet gesture but for some reason it rubbed me the wrong way and I refused to eat it. Now, you know something is up when I get angry with someone for giving me cheese! Dave didn't mind. He was happy to eat my portion! 

Healthy eating? 

For the most part. I do seem to have a sweet tooth developing but I am trying to eat sugar in moderation. 

Food cravings: 

Okay, I must admit ice cream has been calling my name loud and clear this week. Cookies and cream to be exact. 

Also, I saw some Jello on the shelf at the grocery store and it sounded really tasty. I don't think I've made it since we lived in Sydney!

Food aversions:

Dave picked up some deli meat described as "full flavoured, intensely savoury German garlic sausage" that smells really gross to me. I can't eat it anyway so no problem! 


I taught four yoga classes, went to Zumba and a prenatal conditioning class. 

Total weight gain/loss: 

+ 8.5 pounds 


I had some restless nights that left me feeling a bit sleepy this week. 

Maternity clothes?

I received my maternity jeans. I'm not sold on them. They're still big and a little too long. I'm not sure if I'll return them or wait and see if I fill them out in a few weeks. 

A couple of my leggings are starting to feel a bit snug now.  

Stretch marks?


Best moment(s) this week: 

A few of my clients commented on my growing bump. It's nice to hear people can tell I'm pregnant. 

I started to plan the baby's room. It's so much fun! Part of the reason I struggled to sleep this week was because I kept thinking about all of the different possibilities. Even though we're planning to find out the baby's sex we'd still like the nursery to be fairly gender neutral. At this point we're thinking of painting the beadboard white and the walls yellow. 

I love this grey crib… 

And these rainbow accents… 

And this guy… 

We're planning to redo the room soon in addition to having a builder in to sort out some other parts of the house that need attention. I'll keep you posted… 


While I was wide awake one night I swear I felt four or five pokes on the lower left side of my belly. I know, I know… it's too early! I felt a couple more taps the next day but nothing since. Hmmmmm… It's a mystery! 

Belly button in or out? 



My skin is different. My arms are usually bumpy but they seem much smoother. At the same time my skin seems really delicate. I've had more cuts and scrapes than normal. Some blemishes have cropped up. And, I'm still very itchy! 

My expanding waistline. ;) 


We keep referring to the baby as "he". 

Labor signs: 

No, thankfully. 

What I miss: 

Runny eggs. Can you tell I like to eat? So far all of the things I miss are food related. Ha!

What I'm looking forward to:

I will attend my first pregnancy yoga class this week. The teacher is very well respected and I'm really excited to see what and how she teaches. There is an hour and a half of yoga and then 30 minutes at the end of class for tea, cookies, and a chat. I hope I'll meet some friendly preggos from our neighbourhood! 

Weekly wisdom: 

It helps to have a supportive partner who takes care of you (even when you're crabby) and makes you laugh. 


A man gave me a seat on the Tube because of my pregnancy badge. That's a first!


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