Saturday, November 1, 2014

Week 2 - 3


It was Dave’s birthday. We went to a local Italian restaurant for dinner. I spent most of the meal worried she’d wake up and need a feed but we managed to sneak in two delicious courses before she started to stir. 

Happy birthday, daddy! 


We went to the Yoga for Pregnancy class. The teacher invited me back to share Indigo’s birth story. I’d enjoyed hearing other new mums’ stories and was excited to talk about my experience. In the evening the community midwife stopped by the house for another visit. Indie continued to gain weight. 


Dave took his seventh day of paternity leave. I left Indigo briefly for the first time since she was born to quickly get my bangs trimmed and pick up some diapers at the store. In the afternoon a professional photographer came to take some photos for us. She was here several hours and Indie was such a trooper. The whole experience was quite stimulating and she was very tired and a bit grumpy by the end. Fair enough! 


Eunwha and Maya came over. We had some coffee and pastries from Waitrose.

Over the weekend we took Indigo to Victoria Park. 

Relaxing together

Milestones and reflections

This was the week where the lack of sleep really caught up with me. At this point I was feeding Indigo on the left side and pumping the right side to keep my supply up. I froze the milk after each expressing session, even overnight. So, the routine was to change her, breastfeed on the left, pump on the right, take the milk downstairs, bag it, date it, freeze it, and go back to bed. She ate every 2- 2.5 hours at night so I wasn't getting much rest. One night, I slipped and fell down the stairs with a bottle of what I'd expressed in my hand. Yes, the fall hurt but I couldn't help but laugh as I sat there surrounded by the wet walls and floor, drenched in milk myself. Dave came to my aid and helped me clean up. It was a good reminder that I would need to be extra careful when I felt that exhausted and still had to care for Indigo. 

Indie had her first full body bath this week. Nerdily, we watched a YouTube video about how to wash a baby before our first attempt. The best suggestion they gave was to put a wash cloth on the baby's chest to keep her warm and make her feel more secure. She didn't like the transitions in or out of the bath but Indigo did enjoy being in the water. 

Bath time!  

This week Indigo made some funny faces…  



made an "o" with her mouth...

looked cute...

...and cuddled with mummy and daddy.


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