Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Week Before Indie's Birth

Tuesday, 15 July

I went to Yoga for Birth in the morning as usual. I received a big hug from my teacher at the end of class and I remember thinking “hmmmm, maybe she knows something I don’t”.

Then, I met up with my NCT neighbor friend, Abby. She had just started maternity leave. We walked through Victoria Park to Finchley Central for lunch at Siam. We had a nice chat and got to know each other better. We walked home and then drove to Mothercare. There we browsed through everything from nursing tops to duck shaped bath thermometers. We each picked up a couple of things and then called it a day.

Wednesday, 16 July

We had a baby first aid class scheduled for our NCT group but the leader had to cancel at the last minute. So, we all went to the Bohemia, a local pub together instead. As usual we had a great time with everyone and shared a lot of laughs. The topper was our successful attempt to fit four pregnant ladies in a photo booth! 

Thursday, 17 July

I had a midwife appointment at my GP’s office. Indie’s heartbeat was good and measured right on track. She was head down but only the very top of her head was engaged. My blood pressure was good but they found ketones in my urine sample. The midwife asked if I’d eaten and I had. She was puzzled but not too concerned. It was suggested that I eat a lot during the rest of the day. 

Friday, 18 July 

First thing in the morning I had a pregnancy massage. It was heaven! 

In the afternoon I met my NCT friend, Sharleen, at the pool. It was very hot and school had just ended so it was extremely busy! We found a shady spot and set up camp. I remember we were SO PREGNANT. As we rested a mother of twins rolled her stroller over near us. She was trying to get her kiddos to fall asleep. We had a nice chat with her about motherhood. Then we went for a swim. It was cool and refreshing. There were some rowdy boys and Sharleen told them off for splashing around too close to us. Eventually we went and got some snacks and settled in under the tree again. Around dinner time we headed home. As we walked we guessed who’d be next to give birth. Little did I know it’d be me! 

Dave and I had our final FLT (Friday Love Time) meal at a local Brazilian BBQ place. The food was good and we were right by the window where there was a lovely breeze. 

It was such a lovely day overall. It really couldn’t have been much better. 


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